Well Christmas sure was good here! It was so good to be able to see and talk to my family for a bit! We spent the day with Irma Fabiula, who is absolutely wonderful! She seriously is the best! So we spent the day in their house, eating yummy food and talking to our families. I even got some American food which was the best :) Here in Brazil they celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve and midnight so we didn’t get to really participate. But we spent some time celebrating in our house with the other sisters. They loved the stockings from my parents (thank you!!!!) then we ate a fruit cake. Fruit cake is huge here!! They are so expensive too! But a member gave them theirs and it was just chocolate so it was pretty good :) We slept in a little bit on Christmas which was nice as well ha! But that was our Christmas and it was absolutely wonderful :)
They next day we went out and gave some food to some homeless people. I sure love being able to really serve those around us who are less fortunate then we are. It makes me feel good that even if it’s not a lot, i can do a little something to brighten someone’s day :)
Well wave got a baptism this weekend!!!! Luiz will be baptized on Sunday and we are so excited!! It’s amazing to see how much he is changing and how much this gospel is already blessing him! So cool!
Well that’s about it for this week. Not too much happened other than getting Luiz ready for baptism and Christmas. But i hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and have a wonderful New Year as well! Love you all and remember to read the scriptures :)
Love Sister Steadman :)
McKell and her MTC companions at a Christmas activity |
Elder Fonseca sleeping on the way home |
McKell's Birthday |
Elder Fonseca |
Christmas with the President |
Christmas Day |
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