What a wonderful, short, quick, tiring week it has been! Holy crap I can’t believe it is Monday again! Once again, this week flew by right before my eyes, but in the end it was a good one :)
So we spent Monday and Tuesday in Brasilia for our P-Day with our zone and we had a training on Tuesday. So we returned Tuesday night. So this week was a short one and got started working on Wednesday. But, first off, we have Fabrissa! She is still reading the Book of Mormon and has been smoking less! Which is a miracle! But I really enjoy teaching her. She is so much fun! And she understands everything so well and understands what she needs to do! So basically she is perfect! So we have been working really hard with her on keeping the commandments and so far so good! She has been improving rather quickly and she has already noticed the blessings in her life. This is one of my most favorite things. When someone starts to change their life for the better and they realize the blessings of doing so. It’s a feeling that I cant describe. But it’s a rewarding feeling :) But she is good and is planning on being baptized on the 19th :)
Next we have Welson, who was the man we found in the street the week before. So it’s a little hard to find him home because of his crazy schedule, but we found him, taught him the first lesson and holy crap it was so good! The spirit was so strong and it went exactly how we wanted it to! He even got a little emotional. But the coolest part for me was to see him realize that he had found what he was looking for. These are the moments I love the most; these little tender mercies from the Lord. It is such an honor to help people realize what they were needing in their lives - The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love helping people realize that the truth is here on the earth. Ahhhh it’s the best!! But, we invited him to be baptized on the 19th as well and he accepted :)
Next we have Anderson, the cousin of Raianne. With him, I just can’t believe how easy it is to teach him. He understands everything and asks such good questions! This week he asked us why churches always fight with one another and talk bad about one another. He is just super perfect and was very well prepared by the Lord :)
This week we also focused on the commandments with Raianne and her mom Edvânia. First we started with the Word of Wisdom and it was a little bit of a struggle for them because of the coffee. But they tried really hard and now aren’t drinking it anymore!! And the rest of the commandments have been easy for them to keep! Edvania and her husband aren’t legally married so we talked to her about the importance of being married and she was all for it! So next visit, the sisters will be getting that all marked for her :)
Sunday we had a district conference with the other wards and branches of our district so we had to travel really early Sunday morning to arrive on time. So we were supposed to leave here 6 am. But we left 6:30. Yes Mormon time exists here in Brasil as well. But it was really good for our members and our investigators. Edvânia and her two daughters, Fabiana and Natália went and they really liked it! Then we returned last night. And of course the elders were hungry and because it was Sunday they couldn´t buy pizza, so of course it was up to me to make food. So we had a pasta night in the church last night, ha.
Well here’s this week: tonight we are having a family night in the church with the members and some investigators for me to say goodbye to everyone. Then tomorrow I leave here at 2 in the afternoon. Wednesday there is a training on how to be self-sufficient then Thursday is our lunch with president and interviews and Friday night I leave. So crazy! But I came here to do what I need to do and it was a wonderful experience. But, all good things must come to an end so more doors can open.
I found a quote the other day that explains the life of a missionary so perfectly!
A mission is a strange experience
It is a trial and a test.
A mission throws at you the worst
Yet, teaches you the best.
I've never been so happy,
I've never been so depressed.
I've never felt so forsaken,
I've never felt so blessed.
I've never been so confused,
Things have never been so clear.
I've never felt my Heavenly Father so distant,
He's never been so near.
I've never been so discouraged,
I've never been so full of hope.
I feel I could go on for forever,
I think I've come to the end of my rope.
I've never had it quite so easy,
I've never had it quite so tough.
Things have never been so smooth,
Things have never been so rough.
I've never traveled through more valleys,
I've never ascended more peaks.
I've never met so many nice people.
I've never met so many freaks!
I've never had so many ups,
I've never had so many downs.
I've never worn so many smiles,
I've never had so many frowns.
I've never been so lonely,
I've never had so many friends.
BOY, I hope this is over soon,
GOSH, I hope this never ends.
I am so grateful for the wonderful opportunity I had to serve the people of Brasil. I love Brasil. But I am so eternally grateful for My Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. I have come to know them and love them here on the mission. I am so grateful for the gospel in my life. I’m grateful for all the miracles I have seen these past 17 months. I’m so grateful for all the things the Lord has taught me. I am so grateful for all the people I was allowed to meet and help come to know our Savior more.
Well folks, that’s about it. Thank you all for your love and support! I will be arriving at the Salt Lake airport Saturday morning at 10:30a for any of you who want to be there, you are welcome :) But, just know, the church is true! And continue to read your scriptures and say your prayers :) Have a Fabulous week!
Com Amor,
Sister Steadman
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The most expensive teddy bear I've ever held. |
Me, Sister Fidellis, Sister Mercer & Wade (President's Son) |