Monday, September 28, 2015

The Secret to Being Rich

This week flew by soo fast, but I feel like this is one of the weeks that I learned the most and that I grew the most as well! Heavenly Father is so perfect! He knows me so well!

The week started out with a lot of walking..... in the hot sun. Its soooo hot here! But we use the heat as an excuse to talk to people and enter the houses so it’s been a blessing as well :) We are starting to get more comfortable with our area now. We have also been able to get to know the members a little bit more this week and help strengthen their testimonies. We have started doing personal progress with some of the young women here and they were so excited to start! The elders had a baptism yesterday of another young women! So we are super excited to get working with them :)

But this week was full of miracles! We have been working so hard trying to find the people that the Lord has prepared for us to teach! And in the beginning it was a little tough. But this week, we felt like the Lord was really blessing us for our efforts. So first we met Rosa. Who was just a contact we made on the street one night. So we went to her house and visited her. And it was a very simple, short lesson. But the spirit was so sweet. And she had the look in her eyes that she was feeling something. That something would be the spirit :) I love watching the spirit work with our investigators!

But, it gets better. Then the next night we met Isabella; another contact in the street. One night we were looking for an address and ran into her. So we went and visited her Saturday morning. And I´ll tell ya, the devil definitely didn´t want us to visit her. He was working really hard with us that day. First off we almost forgot about our appointment with her because we were busy doing some planning. So then we hurried and ran to her house (its a good thing that she lives close to us). We missed her husband by a couple of minutes, but we were able to teach her. And once again, we had such a good sweet spirit during the lesson. But Isabella has visited many churches but still hasn’t found what she is looking for (this is probably one of my most favorite things to hear!!!!) But she doesn’t exactly know what she is looking for. But she is a very spiritual woman. So we started the lesson. And it was going really well. We shared the restoration with her. And first off her son kept walking in and interrupting us. Then her sister showed up but luckily her sister joined in on the lesson. Then her dad came, and think of a man who likes to talk!!! I´ll tell ya, some of these Brasilians just like to hear themselves talk! But we were able to get back to the lesson and he was able to hear a bit of it. Then the Elders called us (I forgot to put our phone on silence). But the part that was amazing to me was that every time we went back to teaching, the spirit came back and he taught the lesson. It was so cool to feel that! Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to go to church yesterday because she had to take care of her siblings. Because her mom died of cancer recently and she has a brother in the hospital with a broken knee. But, she is super excited for our next lesson. And so are we :)

Then, yesterday we had another cool experience! So during the week we were just walking down the street and saw a lady in front of the store and we felt like talking to her. So we went up and started talking to her and ended up visiting her yesterday. Her name is Eridan. So when we showed up at her house she was surprised because she didn’t think we would actually visit her because she lives kind of far away. But she was so excited! Like super excited, ha. But it was really cool to get to know her! She told us that she has already visited many churches but felt like none of them were true. So now she just visits the churches close to her house but she is super excited to visit our church! We had just a very simple lesson with her where we talked about faith and repentance. And she really loved it. She kind of had a wake up call during the lesson because when we talked about faith we said that we have to act upon our faith and do things to strengthen our faith. And she was like, wow that’s what I need to do. Just sitting here at home reading and praying isn’t enough. I need to go to church. So it was super good with her :)

Well sadly, this week I received the death call. The call where the Elders call and asked me what airport I will be landing in when I go home........ sadly, all good things must come to an end. But they come to an end to better things can happen! But it was really weird.

This week I was reading a lot of conference talks from conference in April and I feel like I have learned so much. I’ve also been studying a lot in 2 Nephi and I love the BOM! It seriously is the best! But this week I feel like I really understood what it takes to have a successful future. And this week I read a lot about Nephi and the blessings he receives and the blessings he is promised. The lord constantly tells him that if he is obedient, he will prosper. And what does prosper mean? Its means that he will be blessed spiritually and materially. And it is the same thing for us today. If we really do our best to obey, give it our all. The Lord will bless us. And we see this so many times in the BOM. When the people were obedient, they were blessed and had many riches. But the moment they became prideful, the Lord took it all away. But it all depends on our obedience. If we want to be successful, we need to obey. Just trust in the Lord and obey.

Well I hope you all have a fabulous week! Prepare for conference! But don’t tell me anything because I wont be watching it this weekend. Only the next. But prepare! Remember to always read your scriptures and say your prayers! Love you all!

Com Amor,

Sister Steadman

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