Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Power of Words

This week we had a ton of success in finding new people! On Thursday, the sister trainers came and helped us out. They spent the day with us, visiting our investigators and helping us find new ones and they helped out so much!
This week we got to sit down and talk to Maciele a little bit more. We helped her set some goals on what she needs to do to be baptized. She’s doing everything right! She just needs to figure things out with her "husband". Whether they need to separate or get married. So we've been praying like crazy but hopefully soon she will know what she needs to do, and then she can be baptized :)
Also this week we met the brother of André, one of our members. So we’ve been teaching him and right from the start he was praying and reading the scriptures! So he told us he wants to be baptized this weekend so we are going to finishing teaching him everything this week and he will be baptized this Sunday!! We are pretty excited :)
The last Sunday in Relief Society we talked about the power of words and some of the women in our group mentioned all the things people say about the church. So we just talked to them about using their testimonies to help others know the truth about our church and by doing so they won’t have any doubts. This week in a couple of lessons I really felt how powerful our words are. Just simple little words can have a huge impact on people. In a couple of our lessons, I could feel the power and the spirit so strong while my companion and I were teaching. Just lessons very simple and basic, but so powerful. It’s amazing how much a simple testimony can have such a huge impact on people.

Yesterday in relief society we talked about Joseph Smith. I tried really hard to stress how important this message is. Just us who have been members for a while, this message is just another message to us. But do we really understand what really happened in this moment? I encourage each and every one of you to really study the first vision and gain a stronger testimony of Joseph Smith. I am truly grateful for the sacrifice he made of us, so in our days today we can have the true gospel of Jesus Christ.

I am so grateful for this gospel and my Heavenly Father. I hope you all have a fabulous week! Remember to read the scriptures daily :) Love you all!

Sister Steadman

10 Months on the Mission

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