Monday, July 27, 2015


What a wonderful week is was here in Guará! Here’s what happened:

This transfer we have been trying really hard to get the members to give us referrals and we haven’t had much success. But this week we received a ton!!! Not from the members but from other missionaries so that was a huge blessing! We were super happy about that, :) 

This week Jefferson was able to talk to our district leader and he set a goal to be baptized on the 15th of August! So please keep him in your prayers that he will be able to stop smoking and be baptized this date! He really has a desire to be baptized and everything, he just needs to stop smoking! So please remember him in your prayers!

This week we didn’t get to visit Maria a lot because she wasn’t home, but we visited her one time with a sister here and it was sooooo perfect! We were only able to teach her half of the plan of salvation because she talks a lot but she loved it! She lost her dad when she was little so she never understood why. She also never understood why life is so hard and why we have so many trials. It was seriously the coolest thing to answer her questions and give her a different look on life. I love it when this happens!!! She also has a beautiful Huskie named Céu. Which is heaven so when we visit her we also play a bit with her dog. But seriously she’s the most beautiful dog I have ever seen! 

This week as we were making contacts in the street we met a man named Kleve Eduardo. He's about 25ish. So we went to visit him and Saturday and he was super happy to see us and a bit surprised because he didn’t think we would actually visit him. Well when we first met him we just gave him a pass along card about the Book of Mormon. So when we arrived in our appointment he started off right away asking about the Book of Mormon! We were super excited! So we taught him the first lesson explaining everything to him and he understood it all really well!!! And he kept saying, "Ya, that makes sense", ha it was so perfect! But during our lesson a drunk man kept trying to talk to us and kept interrupting us, it was a little annoying but it didn’t seem to budge Eduardo. So we were super happy about that! And he even was in church yesterday! He only stayed for sacrament meeting, but he really liked it and was asking a lot of questions and making a lot of comments! So please keep him in your prayers as well!

A couple of weeks ago we made a contact in the street with a man named Raimundo. At the time he was drinking so we just made a quick contact and left. We tried to visit him again but in the end we started to visit his neighbor who we are still visiting. But we found him again in the street and set another time to visit him. That same day we found him again so decided to teach him in the street really quick and invited him to church. Well out of the blue he was in church yesterday!!!! He stayed for all 3 meetings and really liked it! At the end he was asking our ward mission leader about baptism and what he needs to do to be baptized!! We were super happy about that! Finally our hard work is paying off, :) 

This week we did splits in Cristalina which was super cool! I loved being able to go back to the little town and seeing everyone and everything again! I got to see some of my recent converts and one of the people I was teaching I think was baptized on Saturday so it was super cool to see that!

Well that’s about it for this week! Thank you to all of you who continue to email me and give me words of advice! I really appreciate all of the love and support you all give me, :) I know my time is short here in Brasil, but I’m working my butt of till the end! I’ve still got Children of God to find, :) I love being a missionary. :)

Well I hope you all have a wonderful week! Remember to always say your prayers and read your scriptures! There you will find the things you are needing. :) Love you all!

Com Amor,
Sister Steadman :) 

Miguel and Bea

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