Monday, March 23, 2015

A Week of the Chills

Well it has been really chilly here in Cristalina. It has rained every day, and when it rains, it rains!! But we’ve enjoyed it and were able to keep dry for most of the part, :) But we’ve been doubling up on our clothing and blankets at night! But updates for this week:

First off, our investigator Pedro Henrique is doing sooooo well!!! We are super excited with him! We visited him on Friday and taught him and his family the plan of salvation and they loved it! Pedro has been participating a lot in church and does a lot with the members here. We are always hearing good things about him from some of our members! But we asked him how he received his answer and how he knows that this church is true and every time he simply says “I know it’s all true because I feel a spiritual peace. I feel so good about all of the activities in the church and I feel so motivated with your messages!" so basically he is the perfect investigator and will be baptized this Saturday!!!!

Second, Raiane and Diego. This week we visited them with Gilton and watched the first vision with them and Diego loved it! He was freaking out and was like oh look I’ve got the goose bumps! Then another minute he was getting the chills. And he finally read the Book of Mórmon!! He read the chapter we marked and more, and explained all of it to us after!  It’s a miracle when the people remember what they read, ha! But we were super excited for him! They weren’t in church yesterday so we went to visit them and only Raiane was home. We asked her what happened and got talking to her, and she hasn't really been reading the BOM, she hasn’t really been praying so we asked her why. She told us that she was missing her catholic traditions and was wanting to return. She told us of all the good things that have happened since we entered in their lives and how much things have improved. So we sat there and bore our testimonies and told her why these things were happening. So we invited her again to read and pray and if she was still wanting to learn more to call us and we would stop by. It’s just so sad to see all of these little miracles in the lives of people but they aren’t willing to change. So it was really hard leaving their house last night.

But last night we had an awesome family night with a bunch of our recent converts, Pedro and Ruth!! We shared some conference talks and talked about missionary work. They all loved it! They all of such a desire to help with our work and tell everyone about the gospel! So we wrote down all of the missionary lessons on pieces of paper, then we each took turns pulling one out of a bucket and talking about the subject, but we had to try to link our paper with what the person before us had! It was so much fun! And they loved it!!

Saturday we had a stake relief society activity! And it was so good for our Irmãs here!! They finally got to see what a real chapel looks like and learn a little bit more!  Also this week we were able to find one of our investigators... finally!!! We taught her the first lesson and showed her the Book of Mórmon and she was like, “I’ve been wanting to read this book!!” We were taken by surprise! I guess one of her friends is an investigator of the Elders and showed it to her. So she was super happy to receive it! And she was in church yesterday so we have a lot of hope with her!

Well that’s about it for this week! This next week we are going to try really hard to find new people to teach and strengthen our members! I love you all! Remember to read your scriptures daily!!! Have a Fabulous week!

Sister Steadman

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