Monday, October 12, 2015

The Mission Life

Well folks, I wish I remembered everything from this week, but I don’t remember much, ha. But I will try to remember the more important stuff :)

Leo and Bella are very curious and want to know everything!! So that is a difficulty we have with them. But we have been focusing with them on trusting in God and having faith. But Leo, he knows everything in the bible and wants to know where everything that we teach is in the bible. So we are trying to help him gain a testimony of Joseph Smith and the BOM. Then we visited them last night with the Elders and that helped a little bit. But we are still working with them. It will take a little bit longer then we want, but that’s ok. Everything will work out for them:)

This week we also found a family super close to our house! So her name is Alsirene. She has 5 kids and her husband is always traveling. So when we got there its always a little crazy. But I love it! Reminds me a bit of my childhood :) But we were able to meet her husband, which was a miracle because he was supposed to be traveling) and we taught them the first lesson and it went really well! But they didn’t go to church yesterday. But we feel like they have a lot of potential! So our time there will be spent helping her out a bit around the house and teaching them at the same time!

This week we had to drop a lot of our investigators because none of them were progressing. So we are on the look out for new ones! And we were able to find some good people to teach! But every time we go back for the second visit, it always goes wrong..... Satan really knows how to get to people sometimes. But we are still on the hunt and will keep hunting until we find "Os Eleitos"!!! I know they are out there :)

Well that’s about it for this week. Sorry it’s not much but I need to pass the time over to my comp now so she can email her fam :) But I love you all and hope you all have a wonderful week! Keep reading the scriptures and saying your prayers!

Com Amor,
Sister Steadman

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