Monday, July 20, 2015

Wisdom Teeth, Splits, and Investigators

Well this week was super crazy, but in the end it was really good, :)

Tuesday we got to participate in mission counsel and it was the best! It was so cool to gather with all of the leaders of our mission and discuss everything that was going on! It’s really cool to see how these missionaries really are inspired by God and to see how my president is as well! This truly is the Lords Work!

Wednesday I spent the morning with another sister because she was having some teeth problems so we went to the dentist. And she ended up having to get her wisdom teeth pulled out on Friday. But we took advantage of our day with them and did a split. I don’t know what it is about me but I must have bad luck! Because almost every time I do a split nothing works out ha. But, in the end it’s always good, :)

We also did another split with some of the Sisters in Branslandia, which is another small town! I loved spending a day there, :) But I spent the day with Sister Heck who is from Idaho so that was super cool!

This week was a little rough in our area, but we did end up finding some more awesome people! In the beginning of the week we met a woman named Maria. So in our first visit she told us how she was searching for the truth and she didn’t like any of the churches she has already been too. She was reading the bible for the second time, trying to learn more. And she told us that she prays often because she only trusts God. I almost fell over when she told us all of this. We have been looking for someone like her!! So we taught her the first lesson and she was emotional the entire lesson! We were so excited! Then we went back again and she remembered everything that we had taught her! So then we gave her the Book of Mormon and she was so excited! So I’m pretty excited about her!

Also when we were in Asa Norte for Mission Counsel we met a woman at the bus stop who lives in our area. So we visited her this week and it was kind of an interesting visit, ha. We got talking to her, getting to know her and everything and it was going so perfect! Then a little boy came running in telling us that her son had gotten hit by a car. So we all ran out to help and turns out that he was ok. The car hit his bike and he just fell. But we will be returning this week to continue our visit!

We also met a woman named Ana Paula. She was just a contact in the street and so we were invited into her house and taught her. But it was really good with her. She has recently stopped smoking and was really looking for God. We didn’t have a ton of time to talk to her but it was enough to see that she has a lot of potential so we got excited!

The other day Sister Alves found a scripture that she thought described our relationship, ha. We were at subway eating lunch and she decided to open up her scriptures to share a message and she opened up to 4 Nephi 16

16. And there were no envyings, nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, nor lyings, nor murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God.

Haha so basically my comp and I don’t really have any problems with one another and we get along really well, :)

But this week my comp made a really cool comparison. So we were returning from a split and we were at the bus station to catch our bus. So we saw 2 that were headed to our area. In Guará there is Guará 1 and 2. We live in Guará 2. So we saw that one of the buses passed in our part first so we took that bus. Well in the end that bus ended up not passing close by our house so we ended up walking a ways to our house. But she just compared it to how sometimes we see a path and at first it seems good and a lot easier. But most times in life, the short easy paths aren’t the right paths. We see that the Lords path is a little bit harder or a little bit longer, but its ending is a lot better. So in life we have to always make sure that we are choosing the lords path. The Lords path isn’t going to be the easy path of the path that seems happier. But in the Lords path we learn the most, we grow the most and we find a happiness that can’t be found anywhere else. We find eternal happiness.

I am so grateful for this gospel and for my Savior. I’m so grateful for my Heavenly Father and the love that he has for me.

Well I love you all and hope you all have a wonderful week! Remember to read the scriptures and to always pray, :)

Sister Steadman

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